Resolution Supporting Pro Consumer Public Policy for Voice, Video, and Data Services Exposed
The Resolution Supporting Pro Consumer Public Policy for Voice, Video, and Data Services was adopted by ALEC's Telecommunications and Information Technology Task Force on April 30, 2005, approved by the ALEC Board of Directors in June, 2005. According to, the Resolution was re-approved by the Board of Directors in December, 2012. (Accessed on 3/17/2016).
ALEC Resolution Text
WHEREAS, it is the mission of the American Legislative Exchange Council to advance the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government, federalism and individual liberty, and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of ALEC to encourage and accelerate the development of competitive and advanced services, and as new technologies become available, all public policy must be driven by free market principles for the benefit of consumers in this Nation and its states, and,
WHEREAS, ALEC believes that a competitive marketplace, not multiple layers of regulation, will most efficiently provide consumers with voice, video and data choice in the marketplace today, and
WHEREAS, a number of American industries have, and continue to, broadly deploy competitive broadband networks using a variety of technologies to offer voice, video, and data services in today’s fiercely competitive marketplace for these services, and
WHEREAS, any government policy that unnecessarily delays and impedes providers from offering new and existing voice, video or data service choices over their own networks restricts investment, reduces consumer choice and is not in the public interest, and
WHEREAS, regulations that delay the deployment of voice, video and data services will delay America’s broadband future for years and undermine the public interest, not protect it, and
WHEREAS, the national interest in building the broadband future is paramount and consumer choice is key, and
WHEREAS, competition ensures that consumers receive more choices – in both service and price. Today’s broadband networks offer consumers active and viable choice. Government policies should encourage the private sector to provide competitive choices for voice, video and data, and
WHEREAS, ALEC believes now is the time to update the laws governing communications networks -- to remove hurdles to more rapid deployment of competitive voice, video and data facilities and provide more consumer choice, and
WHEREAS, today’s technology provides for a number of methods to deliver similar services, and
WHEREAS, ALEC continues to affirm its policy of competitive neutrality in all voice, video, and data services.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ALEC shall voice its support of minimal, federal, state and local regulation of broadband networks, regardless of the technology used, and convey this support to the members of the United States Congress, the Executive Branch, the FCC, the state legislatures, national organizations representing local governments and public utility commissions.
BE IT RESOLVED that ALEC urge the U. S. Congress and the FCC to act quickly to adopt uniform national rules governing these competitive networks. If they do not, the patchwork of often-conflicting regulations could delay America’s broadband future for years and undermine the public interest, not protect it.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ALEC urges state regulatory and legislative bodies to encourage and accelerate the development of competitive and advanced broadband services. The national interest in building the broadband future is paramount. The inherently interstate nature of broadband services requires a comprehensive national solution.
Adopted by the Telecommunications and Information Technology Task Force on April 30, 2005. Approved by the ALEC Board of Directors in June, 2005.