Resolution Commending the Use of Remote Control Locomotive Technology Exposed

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The Resolution Commending the Use of Remote Control Locomotive Technology was adopted ALEC's Trade and Transportation Task Force at the Annual on July 31, 2003, approved by the full ALEC Board of Directors August, 2003. ALEC has attempted to distance itself from this piece of legislation after the launch of in 2011, but it has done nothing to get it repealed in the states where it previously pushed for it to be made into law.

ALEC Resolution Text

Model Resolution

WHEREAS, a safe and efficient railroad system is vital for businesses and industries currently operating in [state] and for future economic development in the state; and

WHEREAS, innovations that enhance the safety of railroad operations in [state] benefit both the general public and railroad employees; and

WHEREAS, innovations that improve the efficiency of railroads in [state] help hold down freight rates and thereby enhance the competitive position of businesses and industries in the state that rely on railroads to transport both raw materials and finished products; and

WHEREAS, the two major railroads in Canada have been using remote controlled locomotives for over a decade with dramatic reductions in their accident rates and in their operating costs; and

WHEREAS, the remote control technology encompasses numerous safety features to prevent accidents; and

WHEREAS, the remote control technology enables the railroad employees on the ground to move cars around as needed without depending on someone in the locomotive cab and without risking a miscommunication with possibly devastating results; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has issued guidelines for operation of remote controlled locomotives on railroads in the United States; and

WHEREAS, in addition to these guidelines, current FRA regulations govern the training of remote control operators and inspections of these devices; and

WHEREAS, railroads have begun to utilize remote controlled locomotives for switching operations in various terminals in [state] and other states; and

WHEREAS, one major railroad in [state] recently completed its first year of experience using remote control switching operations with a 60 percent reduction in its accident rate as compared to conventional switching operations;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the railroads of [state] are hereby recognized and commended for their exemplary efforts to improve their safety and efficiency by embracing the proven and innovative technology that makes it possible to safely perform switching operations with remote controlled locomotives.

Adopted by ALEC's Trade & Transportation Task Force at the Annual Meeting July 31, 2003. Approved by full ALEC Board of Directors August, 2003.